
Archive for January, 2008|Monthly archive page

mySpace music trail – Landon Pigg, Derek Halet, The Reverse

In derek halet, landon pigg, music, music trail, myspace, myspace music trail, the reverse on January 14, 2008 at 6:06 pm

It’s been a long time since I’ve rock and rolled. I was am watching television today and saw a music video with Robert Plant singing with Alison Krauss. It was a decent song. Robert Plant has funny hair though. Maybe it’s his mustache?

Not too long later I saw a Paul McCartney video. He’s another fellow, like Robert Plant, who has been around awhile. I think I liked Paul’s song better than Robert’s. Or was it his video? I really liked Paul’s video. It reminded me of that movie with Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo, “The Thomas Crown Affair”. I liked that movie when I saw it. Who knows if I’d like it now. Probably, I suppose.

While watching television “Scott Baio is 46 and Pregnant” today I also saw that diamond commercial with the catchiest, nice-boy song ever. The lyrics start out “I think that possibly, maybe I’m falling for you.” Diamonds may rule the world of people who don’t care how they’re mined, or who is hurt along the way, but they’re not for me. Despite that I like the sound of the song. So I Y!earched it. That’s a Yahoo! search for those who use Google and google things.

Artist #1 – Landon Pigg

landon piggThe first song on Landon Pigg’s page is (Coffee Shop). This is the song from the diamond commercial. It’s a soft, romantic song. Acoustic guitar driven but not really folky, it drifts along surprisingly into a falsetto mid-way through. I love this song. I can relate with the lyrics a bit too as the local coffee shops are my office most of the time. And the ladies who work them aren’t so bad.

The second song is (Can’t Let Go). It’s a typical soft rock tune. Nope, maybe not. It’s mid-range rock. Not hard rock, not soft rock, not acoustic. The leader singer’s voice is quality but the song feels generic.

NOTE: Meraki offers “Free the Net” for free wireless connectivity to the interweb here in San Francisco. It sucks big time. Constant disconnection. Slow service. I can’t listen to any of this music without getting disconnected multiple times. Meraki needs to step up their service if they want to stay around.

The third song is (Dressed to Kill). It starts out with a pluck/strummed acoustic guitar followed by a light accordian and percussion. I think I hear a cello in there too. It has a European coffee shop feel to me. Then “Free the Net” bounced me off again. I’m back online at a coffee shop, fully connected now. The song has rising action, emotion and a singer that could easily join up with Patrick Watson and The Cinematic Orchestra.

The fourth song is (Eggshells live from Alice). It’s a soft tune with a quick tempo. I think (Eggshells) and (Dressed to Kill) both capture the sound people liked in the diamond commercial. Friendly music that you could play while cooking dinner for your girlfriend. Hmm…wait a minute. He’s talking about walking on eggshells. If you’re in a relationship where you’re having a communication breakdown you may not want to listen to this while you’re cooking dinner with your girlfriend. Unless it’s not your girlfriend but your wife that you’re having communication issues with.

From Landon Pigg’s top friends I continute my mySpace music trail with Eden.


Eden’s page is set to private. Good thing he/she left us with a quote and a profile picture. The quote is from Bob Dylan. “People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent.”

I’ll try again. From Landon’s top friends I’ll choose Ryan Truso.

Drat! Another dead end. Ryan has no music on his page. Come on now son. Get yerself a tune already.

I’ll give someone in Ryan’s top friends a shot at continuing this music trail. How about someone who goes by the name Chicken Licken Yum Yum.

YES! She’s got a song by Derek Halet. I have no idea who he is yet but he’s sounding good so far.

Artist #2 – Derek Halet

(The Vinedresser) is the first song. As his profile suggests the song is Indie/Acoustic/Americana. It’s a low-key tune with lyrical prowess and an easy feel. If you’ve heard Mason Jennings you’ll have an idea of how Derek sounds in this song. I think it would play well at The House of Love Cabaret.

(Seasons) is the next song from Derek. It’s supported with what sounds like a band. I like the slow electric riff that opens the track. The song is good too. I’m impressed. It sounds truly Indie. The tempo changes, the musical variations, and the words themselves…they all create something worthy of checking out.

The last song is (Christmastime is Here). There’s a picture of two of the Peanuts characters next to the song listing. I like that they’ve covered such a classic. It brings back memories of seeing that poor Christmas tree Charlie Brown brings home. Melancholy in a good way. Derek’s version is harmonized well by some female voice(s). Give it a listen when you’re in mellow kind of way.

I think I need to step away from this mySpace music trail. Before I go I want to plug a show that’s coming up in San Francisco. The band is The Reverse. They’re playing on January 22, 2008 at 12 Galaxies in the Mission District. Check them out. They’re good.